Thursday, October 8, 2009

the five elements

Many people believe that our body is made up of five basic elements that are Earth, Air, water, Sky and Fire. this means that all these are integral part of us which gives birth to a big question. can we master any one of it? or can we seprately rule any of it? oor can we gain any type of mutation? By concentratingon any of it and by the power of our mind and soul i think we can gain control over any of this like i sometime sit for hours, focus all my energy, and try to generate fire on my palm. This may sound like crazy to some but you really feel something when you go deep inside it. Maybe you start to believe whats not there but still there is some great power inside us. i want to know what you all think about this. Have you also experienced something like this.?

Abhishek Gupta